short biography

My mother

The name of my mother is Marcia Mayumi, she was born on April 21, 1975, in Lins-SP city.It is the fifth of six children, she had a very good childhood, despite financial difficulties.In her childhood she played a lot with his cousins and friends in the street, put that time it was not so dangerous,my mother always studied at the state school, but they were very good.At 16 he decided to go to Japan, when turned 17 was his cousin.It was difficult because not speak the language and could not cook.To make money in Japan, I had to do a lot of overtime.At 18 she was diagnosed with toxoplasmosis, she lost 70% of eye sight,she had to return to Brazil to do treatment.She met my father in 2000 and they were married in 2001, and on April 18, 2002 I was born and my sister on July 3, 2006,eight years ago we moved to the S.J do Rio Preto

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